The Curious People Solutions
We are a bunch of curious people, whose passion is being curious about people…
Our solutions are based on our curiosity about people’s experiences, their lives, their needs and most importantly – how to make them happy.

Developed and popularized by Roger Martin, Professor Emeritus and former Dean of the Rotman School of Management; Business Design® is a way of thinking and working that applies human-centred design thinking principles to improving or transforming business activities with a focus on strategic action. It enables organisations to uncover the unarticulated unmet needs of customers and employees. When organisations focus on meeting those needs, they are able to rid themselves of unnecessary processes to produce or deliver products & services that the customers truly want.

Capturing the experience and
deconstructing its dimensions
are the cornerstones of
The Curious People Solutions

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"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Albert Einstein
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“Design is what links creativity and innovation. It shapes ideas to become practical and attractive propositions for users or consumers.
Design may be described as creativity deployed to a specific end”
Sir George Cox

The founders, their Passions, Philosophies and All!
Application of the Design Thinking Methodology and
The Curious People Propriety Toolkits
The ethos of
The Curious People Solutions that drives the principles of Doing Good and Doing Good Work!

The Curious Talks, Workshops and Consultancy.
The Works!

Where it truly happens...